
The Broadcast command is like a director with a megaphone yelling "Action" which starts the actors to perform whatever was scripted for them to do or say. The BROADCAST block is an Event block that sends a message throughout the whole Scratch program. Any scripts in any sprites that are hatted with the WHEN I RECIEVE block will activate. Broadcasts are a good way to have sprites and scripts communicate. If a script must be activated without a user prompt and after the project has started, there is only one way — broadcasts.

1. Watch the overview video of this weeks ABLE.

2.  See inside the Penguin Joke project and observe how the conversation is animated using WAIT blocks.

3. Remix the Penguin Joke project using the BROADCAST and BROADCAST & WAIT and RECEIVE blocks to coordinate the conversation.

4. After you have completed this ABLE, record your reflections:
  • Besides the using the BROADCAST command for timing of a conversation, when else might you use it?

Need a little help.  Watch the Walkthrough video below:

Created by ScratchED team for CCOW

Still need a little more help.  Here is a Nuts and Bolts video on Broadcasting
Created by ScratchED team for CCOW

Or how about this video from the SCRATCH site:

Here's Mrs. Coleman remix, You can see more examples of projects that use BROADCAST in the  Broadcast Studio